Enjoy wearing contact lenses
Contact lens technology is advancing all the time and more people than ever are enjoying the freedom that lenses offer. We stock a variety of lens types and use precise fitting procedures so everyone can enjoy the convenience, comfort and optimal vision provided by quality contact lenses.
From your initial assessment to aftercare appointments, you will receive friendly and professional support from our team who are dedicated to ensuring you get a good contact lens experience.
Your contact lens assessment
During your assessment, you’ll have your eyes tested so we can fit you with contact lenses perfect for your eyesight, frequency of wear and lifestyle.
As well as creating your prescription and carrying out eye health tests, the optometrist will ask you how you want to use contact lenses to ensure that you end up with the right ones for you.
Choosing the right type of contact lens
We offer a variety of contact lenses with options for occasional and permanent use. Lenses are specialised depending on your prescription and eye type. This includes contact lenses for long and short-sightedness, multifocal vision, and conditions like astigmatism. Whatever your eye type and prescription we’ll make sure you get contact lenses that are comfortable, effective and easy to use.

Getting the most from your lenses
Aftercare appointments are there so all of our contact lens wearers can enjoy continued care and reassurance. As well as checking that your prescription has not changed and carrying out eye health checks, we can provide you with helpful advice and let you know about any new contact lens technology that could be beneficial for you.